Golden Girl Championship
Golden Girl Championship
Where it all started

So are we here again, where it all started eight years ago. Time flies!! Sunniva had not been boxing for many months when the club asked her parents if she wanted to box in "Golden Girl Championship" in Borås, Sweden. The trainers ment she was ready for it, so the whole family got into the car and drove the whole way to Borås. 838kilometers for 3*1 minute of boxing, crazy... But that`s boxing..:).
Sunniva made her debut as a diploma boxer. She lost against a girl from Irland. And she cried. And she cried. And she cried. But she got so motivated by seeing so many good female boxers. In 20015 Mira Potkonen was crowned as the "Golden Girl", and she claimed a bronze medal for the two next olympics after that.
Sunniva went home and training harder than ever.
"One day i will be the Golden Girl".

Sunniva went back several times, and on this photo she have just won the final in the diploma class in 2018. Her last year as a diploma boxer. In 2019 she boxed for the first time full contact and she won gold once again. She met boxers from Canada and France. That`s what`s great about boxing, Sunniva was still only 14 years old, but got the opportunity to meet fighters from other continents and countries.
That`s actually the last time Sunniva boxed in Borås. She was kept out with an injury/covid-19 for almost 1,5 years, and last year it was no opponent for her in the youth category.

It`s well known that it has been difficult for Sunniva to get matches, and almost impossible in the nordic countries. We have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Sunniva is finally an Elite boxer! That means that she can meet boxers from the age of 19 to 40!
This is Sunnivas first match since she was World Champion in November. In her class it`s only one boxers this time, but a fight is a fight. We can`t wait to be back in the ring!
After this tournament we have some days of sparring next week before we go to Strandja in Bulgaria. In March the Elite World Championship in India awaits, and in June the first chance to qualify to the Olympics shows up.
Let`s hope we can achieve some of the same things as the legend on this picture. Sunniva met Anna Laurell in Borås in 2018, and even got a signed photo of her wishing her all the best in the future. Anna Laurell is two times World Champion and participated in two Olympics.
But first we have some business to do this weekend, in Borås, where it all started!
See the championship LIVE her!
Golden Girl BC 2023 (